If you are planning a bathroom remodel now would be a great time to incorporate some eco-friendly water-saving features into its design. There are many different ways you can do this nowadays but let us just consider one, for now, pressure-assist toilets. Let’s look at how they work and whether they would be a good choice for your home.

You need not worry that a pressure-assist toilet will stand out in your bathroom too much as it looks much like a traditional type of toilet from the outside. Inside the tank, however, you will find it is a lot different. An air-filled pressure container is fitted in the tank so that when the toilet is flushed, compressed air forces the water into the bowl at a far more powerful rate than gravity alone will achieve. This means that the flush does not require as much water, making it a good eco-friendly choice. Another advantage is that because the flush is so powerful, there are far fewer blockages in the system.

Can pressure-assisted toilets be fitted into older homes? While they are more commonly being installed in new construction, they can be used in older homes. If your older home frequently experiences blockage issues, a pressure-assist toilet may be advantageous as the powerful flush can help to dislodge trapped waste. Plus, the design of the tank means you do not have to deal with condensation build-up.

Although we have talked about the benefits of a pressure-assist toilet in this blog it’s important to note that there are some disadvantages as well. For example, if your home has low water pressure, this type of toilet may not be the best option for you as they require about 20 to 30 PSI to work correctly. You should also consider whether you can put up with the loud noise of the flush. Pressure assist toilets, while they need hardly any maintenance, do cost more initially so you will need to consider this when planning your bathroom renovation budget.

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